Thursday, March 1, 2012

Rohit 'hugs' Khatri

She talked about the stars & the moon in the sky,
The nights she like & that brings her some high,
She talked about the luck of her stars & it's bad scars
She talked about the hatered (actually Love) that flows from her to me
She talked a bit & wanted to talk a lot more, sweetheart she is to me!

But above all she talked about being blessed coz of us being together
For sure she'll be blessed & will be kept good forever
even the God gives few good things to people with odd luck
The way he gave her to me as my charming angel sweetheart ;

She pushes me to sing, but my singing is as good as horrible morning alarm ring
But I compensate, I compensate by writing these few words for her
And I am sure, every time she'll read it, she'll be humming & giggling ;

It's a long life, oh dear wifey, it's gonna be sweet,
it's gonna be rugged It's gonna be bumpy, it's gonna be super masti,
All in all we lt's stand tall, together holding hands & confiding in each other
Than trust, we'll have countless good times to gather!

Rohit 'hugs' Khatri

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