Saturday, December 10, 2011

I is Wonderphool

This post is dedicated to the wanted or unwanted stupidities & idocracies, which happened in my life, my friends' lives, your lives, your friends' lives or imagnative in past, present and/or future. God bless the Stupidities & Indiocracies that are utterly funny, yet harmless & painless unlike that ghostly syringe, which that beautifool nurse always pricked in at unwanted place where it hurt a lot. And there on, the next day I always prefered to stand in class instead of sitting for some obvious reasons like dramatic swelling & the blues at censored places. That bloody nurse, I must thank her for keeping me healthy (purely sarcasm).

And that girly boy (or may be the boyly girl) said.....'Ouch, don't call me Stoopeediot', I am just stoopid & not idiot. Let us all says it aloud, very, very loud, 'I is Wonderphool :)' . 'I is Wonderphool' is the mantra to keep syringe like experiences at bay.

It isn't always goody goody good but than we must understand it is phunny (sadistic sarcasm, read between the lines please & that too urself, I am not your teacher...huh).

OK, Case Study one: You try to manao a girl & the girl try to upset you. What will you do?
We all will disect this IIM (Institute of Integral Madness) Case Study tomorrow. Meanwhile you continue to manao her!

Good Times